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Onesignal software | Messaging software - Software Resellers

Onesignal software | Messaging Software – Software Resellers

  • Mobile Push
  • Web Push
  • Email
  • In-App
  • SMS
  • Journeys

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Customer Messaging Delivered

The market leading self-serve customer engagement solution for Push Notifications, Email, SMS & In-App.

Key to Success for Marketers

Connect with your audience the right way

15 Minute Setup

Our users are always shocked at how easy it is to get started.

Real-Time Reporting

View delivery and conversion performance for every message.

Incredible Scalability

Millions of users? No problem. We send out billions of notifications daily.

A/B Testing

Compare message performance and automatically send the best.

Superior Segmentation

Create personalized messages and send them to the right audiences.

Automated Messaging

Set it and forget it. You can trigger notifications based on user behavior.

Intelligent Delivery

Leverage machine learning to send your messages at the optimal time.

Analyze Results Anywhere

Our SDKs are open source and every component is accessible via API.

Every App Needs Push

When you pick up your phone, the first messages you see are push notifications — maybe there’s a breaking news alert, game update, or a response from a dating site. Whatever it is, chances are it came from us. Push notifications are the top driver of app re-engagement and OneSignal is the #1 SDK used by app developers.

Mobile push every app

Mobile push optimize reach

Send Messages That Maximize Your Reach

On average, 52% of app users subscribe to push notifications. Get more by providing a reason to opt-in before the required push permission pop-up. OneSignal includes a free in-app message for this very purpose! 🚀

See how it works with our push notification preview tool.

Ensure Relevancy

Create customized Journeys to send relevant messaging based on user attributes or behavior – for example, set a follow-up message for 24 hours after they download the app. Or, select Intelligent Delivery and we’ll leverage machine learning to drastically improve your CTR.

Mobile push ensure relevancy

Web push be unforgettable

Be Unforgettable

Enhance your customer engagement strategy by connecting with users while they’re looking at other sites. Visitors can subscribe to web push notifications with just one click — there’s no need to enter personal information. Studies have shown that web push notifications earn thirty times higher conversion rates than email.

Best of all, web push notifications appear similar to native mobile push on many smartphones even if you don’t have an app.

Create & Send Notifications With Ease

We’re the top-rated market leader in web push because we provide best-in-class deliverability, unbeatable reliability, and a flexible UI. Create dynamic messaging workflows with our Journeys builder and save time and resources with automation. Our pre-built SDKs do all the heavy lifting for you, so you can get set up and send your first web push notification in minutes — without any unnecessary onboarding fees or delays.

Web push create and send notifications with ease

Web push increase your subscribers

Increase Your Subscribers

Our customizable Notify Bell makes it easy for your website visitors to opt-in to receive notifications on your site and control their preference settings. Choose between auto-prompting, using the Notify Button, or creating your own custom permission prompt settings. Our advanced user segmentation and analytical tools also make it easy to keep track of your new subscribers and automate your messaging strategy based on real-time user behavior.

Time Delay for Push Prompts

Timing matters — especially when you’re getting website visitors to opt into push notifications. With OneSignal, you can control when a user sees push permission prompts based on the number of page views or seconds spent on a page (or both), so you always make the request at the right time.

Delayed push permission prompts improve opt-in rates for notifications and help to ensure your messages get in front of your target audience.

Web push time delay

Email a platform built to save you money

A Platform Built to Save You Money

Want to send professional-looking emails? Typically you have to go through high-end marketing email providers, but they get expensive fast. A million subscribers could cost you $50K+ per year! 🤯💸

Transactional email companies may cost less, but their features are limited. That’s why we offer Email Composer, a free tool built atop our own affordable email service and also compatible with other popular email providers: Mailgun, SendGrid, and Mailchimp.

Create Emails that Delight

With OneSignal’s Email Composer, your messages will look great on every device. Start with our free templates and customize them to match your unique brand. Use our intuitive drag-and-drop composer for a no-code solution, or use our HTML editor for full control.

Maximize conversion by ensuring emails are relevant and timely. OneSignal’s Segmentation Editor makes it easy to target exactly the right audience with personalized content based on their location, interests, and purchase activity.

Email create emails

Emails the power of automation in your hands

The Power of Messaging Automation in Your Hands

Set up sophisticated automations with OneSignal’s powerful Segments and time-based triggers and send timely and relevant communications. Automate your sends and personalize your content based on your users’ actions and behavior to increase open rates and engagement.

Maximize conversion by ensuring emails are relevant and timely. OneSignal’s Segmentation Editor makes it easy to target exactly the right audience with personalized content based on their location, interests, and purchase activity.

Easily Grow Your Audience

OneSignal’s customizable web prompt helps you capture your users’ emails and identify your best customers. The slide prompt can automatically synchronize emails, phone numbers, and devices to a single user record for both new and existing users.

Maximize conversion by ensuring emails are relevant and timely. OneSignal’s Segmentation Editor makes it easy to target exactly the right audience with personalized content based on their location, interests, and purchase activity.

Email easily grow your audience

Iam different layouts

Engage All Your Users While They're Active

Onboard users, explain new functionality, send offers, and more! Leverage OneSignal’s powerful targeting to personalize messaging to defined segments or trigger messages based on user behavior.

Reach all of your users — even those who haven’t subscribed to push will get your updates. In-app messages have been shown to improve app retention by 27%.

No Code or App Store Approvals Needed

Create in-app messages that look native to your app. Easily customize design elements to match your app and brand without having to wait for designers or engineers. Drag-and-drop blocks of text, images, gifs, and buttons, and get up and running in minutes, all with no code. Or use our HTML editor for full control.

In-app messages instantly show up in your app. Built-in analytics help you optimize for engagement. Test to see what resonates with your users. Do everything without having to submit changes to iOS or Android app stores.


Inapp preprompt

Effortless Pre-Prompting

Request push and location permissions for your app without making any code changes. Improve opt-in rates by explaining to users what you plan to send them before they decide to grant permission.

Control when you prompt users for permission-based on time, session count, and more than a dozen other factors. Ask for location permission to target users anywhere in the world using OneSignal’s segmentation capabilities.

Communicate More with Carousel

Level up your in-app capabilities with Carousel and improve your onboarding, feature announcements, recommendations, and more. Engage your users with up to 10 screens of customizable content.

Easy Surveys and Real-time Results

Quickly survey users and see the results in real-time without having to redirect users or pay for a third-party provider. Automatically tag users based on their responses and segment for more personalized follow-up.

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