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 Shape software | sales and marketing automation Platform - Software Resellers

Shape software | sales and marketing automation Platform

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Manage your contacts like a pro

Lead Capture & Scoring

Capture and score leads from various marketing channels into a single database


CRM Sales Automation

Assign, de-duplicate, follow-up, manage projects, and more in one intuitive interface

Prioritized Pipelines

Optimize your process while adding a layer of accountability and transparency

Integrated cloud-based calling

Built-in Dialer

Call faster with click-to-call, QuickFire Connect, and sequential power dialing

IVR & Routing

Interactive frameworks, call forwarding, and dynamic inbound call flows

Phone Numbers

Get local and toll free phone numbers in a click of a button

ShapeSoftware SMS MMS textingCRM Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

SMS & MMS Messaging

Average text message open rates are 99% with 97% being opened within 15 minutes. Are you text marketing?

Gain deeper insights with reporting

Track User Performance

Learn about user login sessions, communication overviews, and how frequently leads are converted into opportunities. For sales and marketing oversight, these reports can be filtered to see the performance of an individual, team, and lead source.

Marketing & Campaign Insights

Measure lead generation and campaign performance through data-driven intelligence. Identify trends and patterns to analyze how to improve current processes and build future strategies.

ShapeSoftware Reporting Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Built-in customer point of sale

Save over 20 hours a month, and close deals 50% faster

Branded Client Portal

Increase trust with a professional first impression — accessible on any device.

Survey-Style Lead Funnels

Gather details from your clients with easy-to-use question & answer tiles.

Document Collection

Provide an easy drag-and-drop solution for your clients to securely upload documents.

Email automation software

Discover the best CRM with email marketing for sales.

Email Template Library

Build your own visually stunning emails or use any of the free HTML templates in our content library

Pre-Built Campaigns

Automatically follow-up throughout the sales cycle with best practices drip campaigns and trigger-based emails

Bulk Email Blasts

Reach thousands with the click of a button using our bulk email software

Secure doc uploads in one place

ShapeSoftwareCRM CustomerPointofSale Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Templated Document Sets

Create needs lists for different scenarios with an easy drag-and-drop solution for your clients

eSignature Solutions

Digitize contract signing without the cost and maintenance of a third party

Cloud-Based Storage

Stop digging through emails for attachments and automatically gather all required documents in one place

ShapeSoftwareCRM POS PointofSale LeadFunnelSoftware Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Survey-Style Lead Funnels

Save time by letting the software gather details from your clients in a user-friendly way

Increase Conversions by Over 30%

The best lead scoring software to increase conversions.

AI-driven lead scoring software built on 15 years of data & billions in closed deals

ShapeSoftware ShapeIQ LeadScoring Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

How ShapeIQ Works

Leads are scored based on qualitative metrics and behavior, creating a comprehensive look into a customer’s mind.

Waste Less Time

Don’t spend your time deciding who to call next—know which customers are the highest priority with ShapeIQ lead scoring.

Bring lead generation data to life with ShapeIQ.

Lead Scoring

ShapeIQ automatically assigns a score that corresponds to your company’s ideal client profile, allowing you to simply work the leads with the best likelihood of closing today. Shape provides industry-specific, automated lead grading and lead scoring software solutions that connect smoothly for a simple and powerful user experience.

ShapeSoftware ShapeIQ Scoring Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

AI Intelligence

Artificial intelligence employs continuous machine learning and re-calibration based on conversion data particular to your business. AI will discover patterns based on your customers’ behavioral data and then forecast when a consumer will convert. See how ShapeIQ artificial intelligence can analyze your lead conversion history to help you target the best leads in the future.

Smart Algorithms

Your company receives a large number of broad-spectrum leads, but you only have so many salespeople, so it’s critical that they maximize their time. Some leads are hot and only require a rep to seal the deal, while others are cold and never convert. ShapeIQ analyzes and back-tests over 700 data points, so your users don’t have to filter through leads with a fine-tooth comb. Shape’s intelligent algorithms remove the uncertainty from lead qualification, allowing your team to focus on selling more.

You can’t mill through hundreds of pages of customer behavior to find the right leads—but ShapeIQ can

Systematic Prospecting

Spend less time scoring leads and more time closing deals. Don’t spend your time deciding who to call next—know which customers are the highest priority.

Nurture Campaigns

Identify the leads least likely to commit and those who aren’t ready to close a deal. Continue to nurture them while prioritizing other prospects.

ShapeSoftware LeadScoring FollowUp 01 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Build a consistent, reliable, and scalable sales system through ShapeIQ’s smart algorithms.

Qualifying Information

Find the leads most likely to commit. ShapeIQ combines an extensive archive of historical business data with your own organization’s data silo to identify and score prospects. Over time, ShapeIQ’s artificial intelligence will learn from your organization’s interactions, feedback, and lead profiles, becoming smarter and more accurate. 

Positive Interactions

Find the customers with the greatest levels of engagement. ShapeIQ uses positive interactions and behaviors to calculate success probabilities. The more positive experiences a customer has, the more motivated they’ll be to convert. 


Identify the tire-kickers and the time-wasters. ShapeIQ accounts for known behavioral patterns associated with customers not likely to commit. Through ShapeIQ, team members can de-prioritize accounts less likely to lead to a sale by taking into account negative feedback. 

ShapeIQ becomes even more accurate with time.

ShapeIQ combines the power of business intelligence, historical data, and your organization’s information—all to take the guesswork out of lead contact. The more you use ShapeIQ, the more accurate it becomes.

ShapeSoftware Reporting Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Targeted digital ads

Get your online ads in front of the right people through IP target marketing

IP Target Marketing

Show your ads to the leads that have inquired with you in the past through IP target marketing

Privacy Compliance

Our innovative platform serves ads directly to the devices in your household, so you can be confident that your campaigns are reaching the right people


Show your visitors relevant banner or display ads about your products or services when they visit other websites, use other apps, or conduct searches

shapesoftware digital ads Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India


Show your visitors relevant banner or display ads about your products or services when they visit other websites, use other apps, or conduct searches

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