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Leadfeeder software | Lead Generation Software - Software Resellers

Leadfeeder software | Lead Generation Software

  • Lead Generation
  • Website Visitor Tracking
  • Account Based Marketing
  • Sales Prospecting Software
  • Website Visitor API
  • Connectors API

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Turn pageviews into pipeline

Identify the companies already visiting your website and convert them into high-value leads.

Qualify - main image

Identify Website Visitors

Leadfeeder identifies the names of the companies visiting your website.

  • Turn anonymous traffic into real company names
  • Reveal the exact behavior of the companies visiting your website
  • Identify remote workers with Leadfeeder’s unique database of static and dynamic IP’s

Over 60,000 salespeople, marketers, and agencies use Leadfeeder to get better results

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Find ready-to-buy sales leads

The people who visit your website are much more likely to buy than someone who has never heard of you. Don’t let those ready-to-buy leads escape.

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Beat competitors to the sale

Studies* show that contacting leads quickly makes it much more likely you will close the deal. Contact your leads before your competitors are even aware of them.

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Build better sales pitches

See what content prospects are interested in and use that information in your pitches. Anticipate their needs before you ever speak to them.

Our users love the quality of our leads

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Filtered for quality leads

Your lead list is automatically scrubbed of bots, ISP’s and other valueless traffic.

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Remove unwanted companies

Easily filter and hide companies yourself so you only see (and pay for) quality leads.

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A track record of quality

Our data quality team has been improving how we identify leads since 2012.

More leads, no extra effort

Sounds too good to be true right? We get it, you’ve been burned before. All those “One tip to increase leads 5000%” blogs that led you nowhere. Generating leads is difficult.

So we’ll tell you real quick how Leadfeeder works.Install the Leadfeeder Tracker script on your site,We identify companies that have visited your website,We enrich this with an employee contact database,You send qualified leads directly to your CRM and email

How does this help you? Well, you get to identify companies and decision-makers that are already engaging with your content and campaigns.That’s right, they’re looking at you right now. They know who you are and they’re interested in what you sell. No extra budget or effort needed to acquire new traffic, launch more ad campaigns, or test landing page forms. Just supercharge what you’re already doing.

Get more leads from your current website traffic. Seriously, go get ‘em you rockstar.

It's lead generation—without the email forms

Generate leads from your current traffic

Identify leads you didn’t know you had.

  • Turn anonymous website traffic into real company names
  • View enriched company and contact information
  • See exactly what each account browses on your website


Filter companies

Qualify leads and focus on value

Only focus on high-value prospects.

  • Create feeds based on industry, employee number, web activity, custom properties and more
  • Follow specific industries or companies and get timely notifications when new leads come in
  • Score leads automatically based on their web activity

Automate your lead generation funnel

Send companies to the tools you already use.

  • Automatically send qualified leads to your CRM or marketing automation system
  • Populate your CRM with high-intent leads for your sales team
  • Integrate your lead generation process into your existing CRM and sales structure

Send leads to your team

Send leads to your team

Build lead lists with intent

Say goodbye to poorly qualified lead lists.

  • Develop lists of high-intent sales leads from your website traffic
  • Segment lists based on industry, geography, employee number, web activity, custom properties and more
  • Set up alerts and get notified when new companies are added to your lists

Website Visitor Tracking Software

dentify and qualify the companies visiting your website, even if they don’t fill out a contact form.

Get more from your web analytics

Data is great, but it’s nothing without context. And this is what you need to improve your current marketing and sales efforts.So how do you turn your traffic numbers into something more meaningful?

How does this help you? Well, you get tangible information on the companies and decision-makers that are engaging with your website. What content they’re looking at, how they found you, and where they are in the buyer journey.

Make more sense of your data. It’s time to go beyond Google Analytics.

Uncover opportunities in your current website traffic


Track anonymous website visitors

Identify companies that are interested in you.

  • Turn anonymous website traffic into real company names
  • See exactly what each company browses on your website
  • Know what marketing channels are driving high-value traffic

Find the ideal contact

View enriched company and contact information.

  • Search a robust database of company employees
  • Filter contacts based on job role, seniority or location
  • Find emails and reach out to the companies already interested in you



Send alerts to the right sales rep

Get notified when qualified prospects visit your website.

  • Create feeds based on industry, employee number, web activity, custom properties and more
  • Send your team notifications via email or Slack as soon as companies visit your website
  • React in real-time to build a rapport quicker than ever

Integrate easily into your current process

Spend less time prospecting and more time closing deals.

  • Send qualified leads to your CRM
  • Automatically update data in your CRM with simple integrations
  • Assign leads to your sales team to follow up with

Send leads to your team

Account based marketing. Simplified.

It seems like everyone’s talking about account based marketing. But—and whisper it—that doesn’t mean they’re nailing it. ABM can be difficult.Difficult to monitor your target accounts, identify new ones, and measure ROI. But it doesn’t have to be. Leadfeeder reveals the companies visiting your website and enriches this with a database of employee contacts.

That means it’s simple to stay on top of your current targets. Just sync lists of your accounts to Leadfeeder, assign an SDR, and get notified as soon as they visit your website. It’s really that easy.You also get to fill your pipeline with new target accounts. We automatically identify anonymous accounts that are looking at you right now. Seriously. They know who you are and they’re interested in what you sell. You just need to close the deal.Start crushing account based marketing. It couldn’t be simpler.

Identify and monitor target accounts

Generate accounts from your current traffic

Identify accounts that are interested in you.

  • Turn anonymous website traffic into real company names
  • View enriched company and contact information
  • See exactly what each account browses on your website


List created

Monitor your target accounts

Know when your key accounts are ready to convert.

  • Import lists of target accounts to monitor
  • Get alerts via email or Slack as soon as they visit your website
  • React in real-time to build a rapport quicker than ever

Build account lists with high-intent

Say goodbye to account lists based on guesswork.

  • Develop dynamic lists of high-intent accounts from your website traffic
  • Segment lists based on industry, geography, employee number, web activity, custom properties, and more
  • Sync lists to your CRM and get notified when new accounts are added to your lists

Filter companies

List created

Enhance ad campaigns

Build lists of accounts to retarget on LinkedIn.

  • Create custom feeds of accounts you would like to retarget
  • Export a CSV file of your target accounts
  • Upload to LinkedIn matched audiences and use in your ad campaigns

Try Free Demo

Frequently Asked Questions

Leadfeeder is a lead generation and website visitor tracking tool that helps businesses identify and qualify potential leads visiting their website. It offers features such as lead identification, lead scoring, visitor tracking, and integration with CRM platforms.

Buy Leadfeeder which uses IP tracking and reverse IP lookup technology to identify website visitors based on their IP addresses. It matches the IP addresses with company databases to provide information about the companies visiting the website, including their industry, location, and company size.

Yes, buy Leadfeeder ythat offers integrations with popular CRM platforms such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive, among others. These integrations allow businesses to sync leads captured by Leadfeeder directly to their CRM system for further nurturing and follow-up.

Leadfeeder uses lead scoring algorithms to prioritize leads based on factors such as company size, industry, website engagement, and demographics. It assigns scores to leads to indicate their level of interest and potential as sales prospects, helping sales teams focus on the most promising leads.


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