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The Trust Platform for digital commerce

dc 2 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Buy Forter which provides accurate, real-time decisions about every digital interaction, powered by the largest network of online retailers.

Buy Forter Software to build trust across the entire digital commerce journey

Identity Protection

Fraud Management

Payment Optimization

Chargeback Recovery

Abuse Prevention

Unbeatable Technology

Identity Graph

Forter knows who's behind every connection — drawing on our most memorable party Character Chart. Personalities that are different to you are known to us, so you can obstruct additional fraudsters

Network Effects

Rather than battling extortion all alone, you can battle misrepresentation as a consortium with the world's driving brands. In the beyond a year, more than 200,000 organizations trusted Forter to process $350 billion in gross product esteem.

Decision Engine

We utilize the speed of man-made intelligence to simply decide, the complexity of AI to distinguish designs across tremendous datasets, and the canny of misrepresentation specialists to refresh our models ceaselessly



trusted conversions 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Reduce chargebacks and false declines by up to 90% and deliver a superior customer experience

Maximize revenue, approve more customers, and accelerate growth with instant fraud decisions

Approve more with confidence
Vendors can lose up to 75x more income to misleading decays than to misrepresentation, so guaranteeing your extortion arrangement doesn’t over-pivot on misrepresentation anticipation and conveys the most elevated endorsement rate is more basic than any other time in recent memory.

Eliminate fraud costs
Try not to allow extortion to influence your main concern. Forter precisely recognizes and impedes known and new fraudsters with comparable examples, guaranteeing you essentially decrease chargebacks and safeguard your income. You can additionally lessen chargeback costs by utilizing Savvy 3DS to move chargeback obligation to the responsible banks.

Unlock seamless scalability
The Forter Choice Motor empowers us to convey exact, constant choices for known and obscure types of misrepresentation continuously so shippers can scale flawlessly to satisfy any burst in need and oblige development without extra assets. Enter new business sectors, acknowledge new installment techniques, and backing omnichannel encounters without expanding misrepresentation.

fraud management 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Make precise decisions about customer trustworthiness with Forter

Block Bad Actors with Confidence

Eliminate False Declines

Support all payment methods

Guaranteed performance


Smart Claims 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Buy Forter to automate the representment process to streamline operations and recover lost revenue

Combat chargeback fraud and increase win rates with fully automated chargeback recovery

Consolidate all claims data in a single dashboard
Naturally connect cases to arrange information and wipe out the need to break down chargeback information from different, divergent frameworks

Receive actionable insights and dispute recommendations
Immediately pinpoint the exchanges you ought to debate in light of the personality behind the chargeback and view an unmistakable suggestion — question, don’t debate, give more proof — or robotize the recuperation cycle

Leverage pre-populated templates and automate the recovery process
Smooth out activities with pre-populated layouts and representment letters to document asserts quicker and robotize the representment cycle

Track and monitor all claims
Influence answering to screen claims and track your case status, win rate, execution examination, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg, all inside a solitary entryway

chargeback recovery 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Receive actionable insights and dispute recommendations

Increase win rates

Recover lost revenue

Improve operational efficiency

See the full history


Policies Dashboard 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Distinguish and stop maltreatment at the source to safeguard income while keeping a quality brand insight for your certified clients

Give your loyal customers the experience they deserve with Forter Abuse Prevention

abuse prevention 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Cut the cost of abuse
Purchaser misuse is developing dramatically, and organizations are losing billions of dollars consistently. Safeguard your net revenues with ongoing, character based choices that perceive rehash conduct and cut off victimizers toward the beginning.

Cover every point of the journey
By utilizing our personality chart and organization impacts, we help you make and naturally authorize your business strategies across all channels and connections.

Enhance brand loyalty
By making defensive approaches, you can convey the shopping experience clients love with customized advancements, devotion projects and brand advantages.

Build loyalty with risk-free policies

Promotions abuse

Use personas to recognize (and stop) chronic victimizers who exploit coupons, limits, recoveries and other comparative advancements.

Item Not Received (INR) abuse

Spotlight the personas who more than once make INR asserts and keep them from mishandling your approaches.

Returns abuse

Surface and block personas with an example of returning items that have been worn, harmed or generally split the difference.

Reseller abuse

Recognize and hinder affiliates that would somehow or another buy items (normally in volume) for resale without endorsement.

Core systems and end-to-end automation
The elite presentation stage enables you to scale without restriction. You can make a limitless number of frameworks and applications for quite a few clients. Simultaneously any business capabilities will be reflected in the made item. The stage permits you to deftly construct robotization as your business needs it.
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Payments Dashboard 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Optimize payment decisions to improve conversion rates, shift chargeback liability, and maintain PSD2 compliance

Maximize conversions across the payment ecosystem with Forter Payment Optimization

Payments Vignette 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Increase authorization rates
Influence Forter’s banks’ associations to fabricate entrust with backers and card organizations so you can decrease misleading decays and endorse a greater amount of your real clients.

Approve borderline transactions
Forter’s Brilliant 3DS is the main item available that can use keen decisioning to assist you with supporting more marginal exchanges that would have in any case been declined, in this manner expanding your transformations and income.

Shift chargeback liability
Our Brilliant 3DS include settles on savvy conclusions about when to course exchanges through a frictionless 3DS experience so you can profit from a critical chargeback risk shift to safeguard your income while boosting your approval rate.

Optimize conversions under PSD2 regulation
Our PSD2 arrangement makes it simple to advance exchanges under PSD2 guidelines so you can limit grinding, lessen truck relinquishment and augment your changes.

Optimize your payment flow to maximize top line revenue

Issuer Optimization

Forter offers experiences with giving banks and card organizations, like CapitalOne, Visa and Mastercard, to impact their gamble decisioning and increment your approval rates.

Smart 3DS

Shrewdly apply 3DS to support more marginal exchanges and shift chargeback responsibility. Apply 3DS just whenever it will build the opportunity for the exchange to find true success

PSD2 Optimization

Enhance your exchanges under PSD2 guidelines. Stay away from grating by augmenting exceptions, limit 3DS truck surrender, and drive more changes.


Forter gives a processor-rationalist tokenization arrangement that deals with your buyers' charge card information while as yet giving you the adaptability to work with any PSP/Door.


Trusted Identities Dashboard 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Stop account takeovers and block the creation of fake accounts to protect account integrity and drive customer loyalty

Protect your customers’ accounts and your business with Forter Identity Protection

Identities VIgnette 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Stop Account Takeovers
Account takeover endeavors expanded by 79% last year. Forter Personality Security identifies account takeover endeavors progressively at sign-in and at other basic focuses before an exchange is started – including account profile changes, faithfulness point withdrawals, and moves.

Block fake account creation
Endeavors to make phony and copy accounts are on the ascent. These records are at last utilized by both fraudsters and authentic clients to propagate misrepresentation like card testing, fake acquiring of motivators, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg

Balance security and customer experience
Keep your client information and steadfastness programs secure without adding abundance grating for your great clients. Forter Character Security permits you to diminish your dependence on MFA to cases just when confirming an identity is totally vital.

Make identity-based account decisions

Protect customer accounts

Stop Record Takeovers at login before fraudsters exploit client certifications and put away qualities from faithfulness programs

Ensure marketplace integrity

Block single personalities from making phony or copy records to sustain misrepresentation, card testing, or improperly gathering information

Optimize multi-factor authentication

Course to MFA just when totally important to affirm personality, giving genuine clients a smoother experience while keeping troublemakers out

Tap into a global identity graph

Each Forter choice depends on our worldwide personality chart of 1.2B+ web-based characters, so you right away know who to trust - and who to hinder


Element Dashboard 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Buy Forter to approve more transactions for you and your clients with automated, real-time fraud decisions

Element Vignette 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Guaranteed accuracy
Stop Record Takeovers at login before fraudsters exploit client certifications and put away qualities from faithfulness programs

Provide easy onboarding and maintenance for your clients
Block single personalities from making phony or copy records to sustain misrepresentation, card testing, or improperly gathering information exchange motivators like reference rewards

Gain visibility through reporting and analytics
Course to MFA just when totally important to affirm personality, giving genuine clients a smoother experience while keeping troublemakers out

Optimize 3DS authorizations
Each Forter choice depends on our worldwide personality chart of 1.2B+ web-based characters, so you right away know who to trust – and who to hinder

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Frequently Asked Questions

Forter is a fraud prevention software that uses machine learning and behavioral analytics to detect and prevent fraudulent activities in real-time. It helps businesses across various industries, including retail, travel, and digital goods, reduce chargebacks, and minimize fraud losses.

Forter’s machine learning algorithms analyze vast amounts of transaction data in real-time to identify patterns and anomalies indicative of fraudulent behavior. They continuously adapt and improve based on new data, allowing Forter to stay ahead of evolving fraud tactics.

Yes, Buy Forter’s fraud prevention software made to minimize false positives and ensure a frictionless customer experience. Its advanced risk assessment capabilities accurately distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent transactions, reducing unnecessary declines and manual reviews.

Yes, buy Forter that serves businesses of all sizes and industries, from small e-commerce merchants to large enterprise retailers. Its flexible and scalable fraud prevention solutions can be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of each organization, regardless of size or sector.

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