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Smartsuite Software | Work Management Software - Software Resellers

Smartsuite Software | Work Management Software

  • Automation
  • Timeline View
  • Conversations
  • Power Search
  • Dashboards
  • My Work
  • Data Import
  • Task Management

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Buy SmartSuite- Work Management Software

Buy SmartSuite which is a collaborative work management platform that enables teams to plan, track and manage workflows, projects and everyday tasks.

Save Time With Workflow Automation

Stop using valuable time on routine actions. Create recipes to automate repetitive tasks based on triggers – like changing dates, sending notification emails, or updating statuses – and spend your time doing the really important work. Or napping. We won’t tell. 

Create rules to automatically trigger actions

Automate status change and send a notification

As Simple Or Complex As You Need

Create custom rules in seconds (see the whole saving time section above) with our builder. 

‍Trying to keep it simple? An automation could be as easy as triggering to send a single Slack message when a project is marked complete. 

‍Prefer to get a bit spicier? Build out a complex multi-step workflow recipe with multiple triggers and actions that ensures that a critical process is streamlined and efficient…without having to meddle in tasks you dislike.

Automations Without A Line Of Code

You’ll never have to call IT again. With an easy drag and drop interface, any user in SmartSuite can set up complex automations in a matter of minutes. Built for business users by business users, we understand the automations you need – we use them too!

Automations Without A Line of Code

Email sales leads to create new opportunity records

Produce New Records From Email

Buy SmartSuite to Receive and manage emails directly within SmartSuite.  Link them to related work items, notify or assign team members, and always stay one step ahead in our follow-up. Never let an important email fall through the cracks again (looking at you, Jim.)

Stay In The Loop

Stop constantly checking in on your team for status updates. With Dynamic Notifications, instantly trigger email send when due dates arrive or receive real-time updates when critical tasks are completed to ensure you’re always informed, not micromanaging.

Automatically send a notification

Automatically update event plan details

Dynamically Update Records

Automatically update values in your records when important (to you) actions happen. Escalate a support ticket to high priority if it’s been in the queue too long or automatically assign a reviewer when a task is complete to keep your workflows moving. Unlock your team’s productivity, get all the promotions, and live a repetitive free life. 

Connect All Your Tools

We know SmartSuite isn’t going to be your one and only 💔. Create automations outside of the SmartSuite boundaries with seamless integrations to other systems like email, file storage, messaging, and SMS platforms. 

Automatically send data from SmartSuite to other systems

Timeline View

Buy SmartSuite from trusted SmartSuite Resellers which allows to view your projects and processes in a timeline format that is great for visualizing workstreams and schedules over a custom period of time.

View Work By Date Range

Choose the date range you want to display and color coordinate tasks. Use this view in order to identify dependencies, manage competing priorities and stay proactive on your deadlines. Simple drag and drop capabilities allow you to adjust dates on the go. 

Use a date range to customize your Timeline View

Group items in Timeline View to separate projects

Group Items Like A Gantt Chart

Are you one of those Gantt fanatics? Visually group by any attribute to create a Gantt-like view. This is particularly useful in viewing data with shared attributes, such as project tasks in teams, marketing campaigns in social media channels, or product features in development sprints. 

View All Your ‍Records And Tasks

One click opens the Record Listing panel, which displays all available data in your selected view. Use reporting toolbar controls such as Sort, Group, and Spotlight to locate records, then drag and drop items directly into the view. PMs love this for quickly scheduling tasks and ensuring nothing is missing a due date. 

Scheduling is a snap with Timeline View

Drill into Timeline View items to see all the details

One Click To See The Details

One click on a Timeline item quickly opens the record to review the details, make adjustments, and then close to jump back to the timeline. No backend updates needed; it all happens in the Timeline view. 

Zoom your Timeline View to see project details

Shift The Display To Months, Weeks Or Days

Shift between Today, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months simply by clicking on the interactive heading to view any level of detail.

Change Dates Without Changing Tabs

Drag and drop items to change a date directly in Timeline View. The Record Listing panel displays a full list of every item in an application – not just what has a date field assigned to it. Drag items from the listing to the timeline and the dates in each record will be updated automatically. It’s pretty snazzy. 🎩

Drag and drop records in Timeline View for each scheduling

Drag and drop to adjust records in Timeline View

Quickly Change Start & End Dates

Adjust date ranges by grabbing the Start Date or End Date of a Timeline item to adjust in real-time, without having to open up any additional pages or jump into the task. 

Color Code Items With Spotlight

The Spotlight control is used to color code items displayed on the timeline so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for. Choose pretty much any search option to make your timeline light up like a Christmas tree. 

Use spotlight to make Timeline events pop


Talk about work right where the work is being done. Revolutionary, we know. You should try it.

Smarter Collaboration With Your Team

Start a conversation in any record to collaborate on content directly where it lives. Share an idea, ask questions, clarify details, or convey the nuances of a status, risk, or blocking issue. -1 for unnecessary emails. 

Grab Attention With A Mention

@mention members or assign comments to pull them in to a quick conversation to keep work moving. Every @mention triggers notifications to the recipient’s Notification Center in SmartSuite and via email.

More Options For Content To Tell Your Story

A unique and game changing feature allows users to add images, attachments, emojis, and more to any conversation. When words aren’t enough, bring in the big guns to weave your perfect story, no matter what your topic. 

Give A Thumbs Up

Buy SmartSuite from Software Resellers and Quickly communicate your acknowledgment or approval with an emoji response without slowing down.

Assignments With A Simple Comment

Conversations inevitably create action items, which are easily lost in the sea of competing priorities. Comments can be assigned to members, appearing in their notifications and My Work until they are marked as resolved.

Instantly Filter Conversations

Stay focused on Open Comments, or quickly shift to view All or Resolved items in any record. Next up is making a version of this for face-to-face conversations.

Power Search

Easily search for anything across every nook and cranny of SmartSuite.

Find Anything Anywhere

Work life is easier when you can find exactly what you’re looking for. Power Search lets you search for anything across all your solutions, instantly. Find records, files, members, assignments and conversations.

Search For Records

Perform a keyword search across the content in all of your solutions. You can quickly filter down to narrow the results by solution and find what you need — at speeds that make NASA jealous.

Search For ‍Files

Stop looking through record after record, trying to remember where you attached something. Power Search makes it easy to find files attached to records, displaying cards with previews to spot images or file types at a glance.

Search For Members

Find the right team member… even if you can’t remember their name. (Was it Fred or Ted?)  Results are displayed as mini-member profile cards, showing their name, role and department, along with profile and background images they’ve added.

Search For Assignments

Quickly find any item that has been assigned to you, including records, sub items, checklist items, and comments. Results are grouped by solution with details to make it easy to find assigned tasks.

Search Conversations

Quickly find conversation threads you have been mentioned in, replied to, or that you follow so you can easily pick up on important discussions. Just don’t blame us if you find something cringey you said years ago.


Build powerful, visually thrilling views into your information. Gain visual insight into the performance of any team, process or project, and make smarter business decisions.

Supercharge Your Teams With Dashboards

Aggregate any of your data into a single view using a comprehensive library of easy-to-configure visuals. No more digging for information – it’s right there in all of its glory, however you choose to display it.

Dashboards For Every Department and Team

Create dashboards to visualize information at each “layer” of your organization. Executive leaders, departments, teams, programs, projects, clients, and even personal dashboards – a regular ‘ol 7 layer cake of insights. 

Track Key Metrics & Data in Charts

Use dynamic widgets to embed charts, calculate and track metrics, or summarize in tables.

Easily Build The Perfect Dashboard

Our Widget Library makes it easy to tailor any dashboard to the specific project or process you’re working on. In just a few clicks, add charts, metrics, text, file links, announcements, and more. Customize to your heart – and brain’s –  desire. 

Bring Your Tools ‍Into One Dashboard

It’s not just SmartSuite items you can add to dashboards. From websites to custom HTML, embed social media feeds, docs from Google Drive or Microsoft Office, Jira, and Confluence, putting key information from adjacent systems at your teams’ fingertips. You might even be able to close a tab or two.

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Frequently Asked Questions

SmartSuite is a comprehensive suite of productivity and collaboration tools designed to help teams streamline their work processes, enhance communication, and boost productivity. It includes a range of applications such as project management, task tracking, communication, and document collaboration.

SmartSuite typically includes applications such as project management software, task tracking tools, team communication platforms, document collaboration tools, and time tracking software. Each application is designed to address specific needs and challenges faced by modern teams.

Buy SmartSuite project management software that is versatile and adaptable, making it suitable for teams of all sizes and across various industries. 

As a SmartSuite reseller, We’ll guide you through the onboarding process, provide SmartSuite demo sessions, and offer ongoing support to ensure you get the most out of SmartSuite’s software.


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