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Power up your HR processes.
Energize the workforce. Trigger business growth.

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greytHR is a cloud-based HR stage that smoothes out HR and finance processes, enables workers and works on all over efficiency.

Leave HR to greytHR

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  1. Streamline all HR processes
  2. Save time & money
  3. Ensure 100% statutory compliance
  4. Promote transparency
  5. Ensure uniform policy implementation
  6. Enhance employee engagement


HRMS Software

Bring effortlessness, speed and proficiency to all monotonous HR capabilities. Convey top notch worker experience. Move functional HR, and set aside a few minutes for high-esteem work.

Make quick work of Hard work

Dispose of the weight of various tedious HR errands and many calculation sheets consistently. Set aside a few minutes for effective key HR work that will help the association.

  1. Mechanization: Take out all the truly difficult work in HR, banishing redundant, tedious undertakings that are the most despicable aspect of efficiency.
  2. Unified Worker Data set: Take out irregularities, duplication and mess in representative data with greytHR. Empower further developed efficiency and independent direction.
  3. Worker Self Assistance entryway: Empower representatives to help themselves. This makes for more joyful representatives, while opening up important HR time for business basic work.
    Bella, the cordial chatbot and
  4. Representative Helpdesk: Guarantee that all questions and complaints are dealt with in a convenient and proficient way. Cultivate responsibility and upgrade worker fulfillment.
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HR Ops 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Get on top of HR Ops
  1. Worker Lifecycle The executives: From onboarding and affirmation to exit, and in the middle between – letters, records, foundation check, ID confirmation, pay updates, personal duty, and so on.
  2. Work process, Assignment The executives and Agendas: To further develop process quality and guarantee convenient fulfillment of exercises.
  3. Power apparatuses: To oversee resources given to representatives, smooth out the KYE (Know Your Worker) process and empower simple information assembling and coordinated programmed record keeping.
Communication, the key to a happy workforce

Social feed for organization happenings, wins, input, and representative communication

Release board for significant reminders and takes note

Mass email and SMS office with designated correspondence to choose gatherings of workers

Computerized good tidings by means of feeds, email and SMS for birthday celebrations, commemorations and so on.

Configurable event & reminder taking care of to tweak the triggers and informing

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Say yes to ESS 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Enable and empower employees Say yes to ESS
  1. Whenever, Anyplace Access: Representatives’ admittance to individual data is currently readily available – payslip, strategy, structure, charge data and so forth.
  2. Social Posts and Feeds: A climate to interface with partners
  3. Work processes: Robotize HR processes and authorize arrangements consequently with numerous customisable degrees of endorsements, accelerations and observing
  4. Representative Catalog: An information base that assists workers with realizing their partners better
  5. Bella, the Agreeable Chatbot: For moment help and direction
  6. Worker Helpdesk: For speedy treatment of circumstances, complaints

Payroll Software

Bid goodbye to awkward Succeed sheets and finance calculation mistakes. Welcome 100 percent legal consistence, on-time payment of compensations and peaceful month closes.

Paying attention to every little detail.
Finance with greytHR is extremely exhaustive and complete. No stone has been left unturned in making the most thorough finance programming accessible in the market today. No detail disregarded. No circumstance ignored.
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Click, zap, zoom through payroll processing

With regards to Finance and HR programming, greytHR takes the tape a long ways in front of any others in the race. We should investigate the highlights that make greytHR the main stage you should consider for finance handling.

  1. Profoundly customisable compensation structures
  2. Exceptionally configurable finance motor
  3. Limitless compensation parts
  4. Handles even the most perplexing use cases
Statutory compliance A piece of cake

Why invest valuable energy monitoring changes in legal compliances – charge sections, work regulation updates and so on.? Free yourself from the weight by passing on everything to greytHR.

  1. PF estimations with ECR age
  2. ESI calculations and challans
  3. PT with all state-explicit principles worked in
  4. Complete TDS (IT) computations and eTDS returns
  5. A single tick Structure 24Q age with programmed FVU approval
  6. Carefully marked Structure 16 and 12BA age
  7. Extra estimations and revealing
  8. Work Government assistance Asset computation and derivations
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payday 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Smooth payday Take the greytHR way

Guarantee 100 percent exact estimation of pay rates, and on-time dispensing, consistently. With greytHR, you’ll continuously be winning hearts and never allowing spirits to drop.

  1. greytHR PayNow: With our immediate charge office, move pay rates straightforwardly from inside the application to the representatives ledger in the blink of an eye. Experience the fate of compensation installments, today!
  2. Electronic bank-move designs for every single significant bank
    Cluster wise and bank-wise installment discharge
  3. Status tracker for money and really take a look at installments
Be a star with greytHR

With greytHR on your side, you currently have the best, most far reaching HR programming working for you. greytHR further develops worker fulfillment and in this manner maintenance. It takes out revise and consistence mistakes. To top everything, it goes far in building a sparkling business brand.

  1. Speed: greytHR ensures that each finance cycle is just merely minutes.
  2. Trust: Lay out worker trust by conveying total straightforwardness through the self improvement ESS entryway.
  3. Exactness: Cycle blunder free finance, many months. greytHR will deal with changes in compliances, charge chunks, and rules. Add agendas, compromise, and approval devices to guarantee top notch results.
  4. Unwavering quality: Welcome 99.5% uptime. Express farewell to month-end pressure and blowups.
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ess 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Get rid of stress With ESS

greytHR’s Representative Self-Administration entrance lessens managerial work by 80% and conveys a top notch worker experience through elite elements and offices. To add significantly more comfort, the ESS can be gotten to by means of a portable application or through the web.

  1. Repayment claims with programmed arrangement authorization.
  2. Online entries for smooth activities
  3. Finance data for more prominent straightforwardness and less inquiries.
  4. Work processes and Help work area for better representative overhauling.

Leave Management System

Leave types. Leave tracking. Leave applications. Leave policy. And more. If it’s to do with leave management, consider it done with greytHR.

Add notes
Catch the vital data from a remote help meeting as Meeting Notes that can be referred to later. You can alter and download the saved notes whenever alongside the meeting subtleties.
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Effortless, efficient, effective leave management


Time & Effort


Uniform leave policy


Accurate leave accounting


Unnecessary expense


An outstanding employee experience


Employer brand image

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Put your HR department on autopilot
Let them fly
Manual leave the executives utilizing email and calculation sheets consumes valuable time and labor supply. Free your HR group of the weight. Computerize with greytHR. Put their time and abilities to use in high-esteem undertakings that greaterly affect the association.
Multiple leave policies and needs
One solution that manages it all

Workers require leave for different reasons – wiped out leave, excursion, maternity, affliction, and so on. A very much organized leave strategy lets workers know that they have choices when a need emerges. greytHR offers more than 50 boundaries of customisation to improve on the assignment for organizations with workplaces at numerous areas.

  1. Adaptable pass on approaches to meet your precise necessities with 50+ configurable boundaries
  2. Various leave plans and arrangements customized for various representative gatherings
  3. Limitless leave types and leave exchanges upheld
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Leave management with greytHR
It’s your license to chill

Begin by characterizing your organization’s leave arrangements. With greytHR, your work closes there. Leave awards, bookkeeping, implementation of rules, leave applications, endorsements and more will deal with themselves. Naturally.

  1. Smoothed out regularly scheduled finance inputs
  2. A single tick leave year-end handling
  3. Leave encashment
No mess, no stress
With greytHR's ESS

Find sans hands leave the board with greytHR’s Worker Self Assistance (ESS) entryway. It limits leave-related inquiries and allows representatives to deal with their leave all alone.

  1. Computerization lessens representative endeavors
  2. Representatives apply for leave through online interface or versatile application
  3. Leave tracker for leave adjusts and exchanges
  4. Supervisor perspective on group leave information and leave designs for better bits of knowledge
  5. Work processes with accelerations lead to a responsive framework and an incredible representative encounter
  6. Email warnings and cautions
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Statutory compliance
No more rocket science

Quickly take care of leave related legal compliances. On time, without fail.

  1. Nitty gritty records and reports as per
 government rules
  2. Redone extensive occasion for a
 assorted labor force
Dashboards, reports & analytics
A goldmine of insights

Investigation when applied to leave information can uncover business basic bits of knowledge that influence efficiency and benefit. Make a plunge with greytHR.

  1. Control income spillage
  2. Screen worker wellbeing
  3. Urge representative leave to forestall burnout
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Attendance Management

Without real time attendance management, work is challenging and full of compromises. Real time automation of attendance enables smooth operations and improves productivity.

Workforce management, no work at all


productivity and workforce discipline


flexible, real-time attendance capture.


transparency and consistency in attendance policies.


100% statutory compliance.


shift management and rostering.


real time attendance processing.

Customisable Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Customisable attendance policies
Because one size doesn't fit all

Exact time following requests that participation approaches give measures to delay, nonappearance and extra time. greytHR gives associations the adaptability to tweak approaches in light of their necessities.

  1. Exhaustive strategy arrangement
  2. Various plans for various representative classifications
  3. Programmed shift-pivot plans for issue free rostering
Automatic attendance processing
While you sit back and relax

Manual following and requirement of participation strategies is a bad dream. Utilizing greytHR you can naturally track and screen quite a few strategy rules across different representative classes easily.

  1. View ongoing participation data
  2. Programmed planned auto download of swipes
  3. Day to day planned participation handling
  4. Programmed month-end finish
  5. Get warnings and alarms for explicit occasions
  6. Auto shift discovery
  7. Coordinated with leave the board
Automatic attendance Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Employee Self Service Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Employee Self Service
Helping employees help themselves

Engage workers with itemized participation and additional time data through the greytHR representative online interface or portable application.

  1. Attendance marking 
  2. Complete attendance information
  3. Attendance regularisation
Comprehensive overtime management
In no time at all

It’s a bulky errand to follow and uphold participation strategies physically. With greytHR, you can execute many strategies that shift for various classifications of representatives almost too easily.

  1. Arrange extra time approaches
  2. Create itemized extra time payslips
  3. Apply extra time in mass or for individual workers
overtime management Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India

Employee Self Service

Empower employees with access to personal organisational information. Enable greater transparency, improved communication, and engagement.

employee experience 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Open the doors to an exceptional
employee experience
Engage your representatives with the capacity to help themselves. Give them whenever, anyplace admittance to a few HR undertakings through greytHR’s Representative Self Help (ESS) entryway (web or portable application). Lessen representative reliance on the HR office and let loose important HR assets for key business-basic work.
Make short work of repetitive HR tasks
Make way for high-value work

Frequently, a HR division’s time and assets are sucked dry by manual, monotonous documentation work.

  1. Zero exertion assortment of onboarding records and venture statement
  2. Simple updation of worker data without HR mediation
  3. Smoothed out work processes among representatives and supervisors
  4. Normalized cycles and uniform approach authorization
high value 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Improved productivity 1 Best Software Reseller | Best Software Providers in India
Improved employee experience and morale
Improved productivity with ESS

greytHR’s ESS entry assists you with building a climate of proficiency, straightforwardness and trust where workers have simple advanced admittance to every important individual, cycles, data and records.
Mark participation through web sign-in or the versatile application

  1. Access payslips, IT structures, and other finance data in a couple of snaps
  2. View occasion schedule, apply for leave, actually take a look at participation data
  3. View/download HR letters, organization arrangements, and reports
  4. Simple cost claims accommodation process
  5. Worker Help Work area for fast goal to questions
  6. Registry for simple correspondence with companions and chiefs
Workflows for
paperlESS HR

greytHR’s ESS entrance has various implicit work processes that smooth out exchanges between representatives, chiefs and directors, limiting the requirement for HR mediation.

  1. Leave application and endorsement
  2. Participation regularization and endorsement
  3. Cost claims and endorsement
  4. Affirmation and abdication
    Credit applications
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Try Free Demo

Frequently Asked Questions

Buy greytHR which is a cloud-based HR and payroll software that helps businesses streamline their HR processes, payroll management, attendance tracking, leave management, and more. It offers a comprehensive suite of features to automate and simplify HR operations.

Yes, greytHR is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes and industries. Whether you’re a small startup, mid-sized company, or large enterprise, greytHR’s flexible platform can be tailored to meet your specific HR and payroll needs.

greytHR offers a range of features including employee self-service portals, payroll processing, attendance tracking, leave management, expense management, compliance management, and more. 

Buy greytHR from greytHR resellers which offers comprehensive support and other resources with greytHR software demo to help users get the most out of the HR and payroll software. 

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